Old San Juan door

Old San Juan door
Originally uploaded by DeLares.

Old San Juan door

Old San Juan door
Originally uploaded by DeLares.

Featured article:
The Advocate – Venezuela’s Chavez backs widow of slain Puerto Rican nationalist

Featured sports column:
New York Daily News – Sports – Mike Lupica’s Shooting From the Lip: Count wins not Latinos


YERBABUENA is a group of young Boricua and Latino musicians, singers and dancers who
come together to play the music that they love under the musical direction of singer-composer-musician Tato Torres, sharing an intense passion for the musical traditions of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.

The last thing that will come to your mind while at a YERBABUENA event is that you’re watching a show. It feels more like a cross between a jam in the park, a
spiritual ceremony and a family reunion.

The music they play is, by nature, participatory. Whether bomba, plena or musica jibara, it’s all interactive. And being witness to their vibrant sounds, just leaves the audience no choice but to join in the singing and dance to the beat of the drums. After a YERBABUENA session, you’ll be uplifted, tired and happy.

Visit the band’s website for more info. and free music downloads:
http://www.yerbabuena.biz and http://www.MySpace.com (http://www.myspace.com/tatoyerbabuena)

Source: Yerbabuena

PRSUN Contact Information:

You can always contact Puerto Rico Sun by commenting here on a specific entry or e-mailing me directly at prsuncom@yahoo.com. You can also e-mail me at this address in connection to PRSUN TV.

FYI: I have terminated the Puerto Rico Sun Yahoo group and have created a new Google group instead. If you are interested in becoming a Puerto Rico Sun member, feel free to join the group.

Here are the essentials:

* Group name: Puerto Rico Sun
* Group home page: http://www.groups.google.com/group/puertoricosun
* Group email address puertoricosun@googlegroups.com

As you know, there is also a group of photobloggers who belong to the Puerto Rico Sun group at Flickr, showcasing images of the island and stateside boricua communities.

Thank you.



Originally uploaded by igualmente.


Originally uploaded by igualmente.

Featured report:
Study Finds Rich-Poor Income Gap Growing – Yahoo! News The greatest disparity between rich and poor was in New York, where the top 20 percent of wage earners had average incomes 8.1 times larger than the poorest 20 percent in the early 2000s.

Community Event

La Casa De La Herencia Cultural Puertorriqueña, Inc.
(The Puerto Rican Cultural Heritage House, Inc.)

Cordialmente le invita a la interesante lectura del drama

“Los Peligros de Chencha” de Anita Vélez Mitchell

Con la participación de:

Actores y Actrices del grupo “Danza Fiesta”
Hilda Rivera Pantoja – Coreógrafa

Domingo, 29 de enero del 2006, a las 3:00 p.m.
1230 Quinta Avenida, salón #458

Invite a sus amigos

Donación $10.00

(212) 722-2600
