PRSUN Poll: Readers say they prefer Fortuño

Puerto Rico Sun readers who took part in PRSUN’s poll on who they want as the next governor of Puerto Rico say they prefer change over the status quo. Forty-four percent said they want current Resident Commissioner Luis Fortuño of the New Progressive Party (pro-statehood) to become the island’s next governor.
Meanwhile, the current Gov. Anibal Acevedo Vila of the Popular Democratic Party (status quo/pro-commonwealth) came in second with 28 percent of the votes.
Rogelio Figueroa of the Puertorriqueños por Puerto Rico Party received 16 percent and Edwin Irizarry Mora of the Puerto Rican Independence Party received 8 percent of the votes. Four percent chose the “other” option.
A total of 25 readers took part in the PRSUN poll, which closed today.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the poll and remember to vote in Tuesday’s election.

PRSUN Poll: Readers say they prefer Obama

Seventy percent of Puerto Rico Sun readers who took part in the snap poll here at, said they want Democrat Barack Obama to be the next president of the United States.
Twenty percent said they want Republican John McCain to be the next president.
Ten percent said they want someone else to be president, choosing the “other” option.
A total of 60 readers voted in the PRSUN poll, which closed today.
Thanks to everyone who voted.
Now, remember to vote in the real election on Tuesday.


Dia de los muertos
The murals in the Lower
East Side are altars
for the dead — coconut brujita

Featured Video: ‘Under the Vieques Pier’

Today’s featured video from the PRSUN Video group is by Ricky “Rigglord” Flores.

Featured Video: ‘Under the Vieques Pier’

Today’s featured video from the PRSUN Video group is by Ricky “Rigglord” Flores.

Featured site:

The Festival Del Cuatro organization is celebrating The 3rd Annual Festival Del Cuatro in California on Saturday, November 15.
A Tribute to Puerto Rican Women
Come to the Third Annual Festival Del Cuatro in California on Saturday, November 15, at Garrison Theater on the beautiful campus of Scripps College in Claremont, California. This year, the festival will honor Puerto Rican women and all women who struggle in supporting a cause. Thus the festival will feature three of the best cuatro players in the world, all who happen to be women: Emma Colón Zayas, Maribel Delgado, and Nelian Colón. They will perform traditional Puerto Rican music on Puerto Rico’s national instrument, the cuatro. Tickets are available.
For more information, visit the site.

The Island’s second oldest lighthouse "El Faro"

Today’s featured shot from the Puerto Rico Sun photo group is by Mr. Frankie.

The Island’s second oldest lighthouse "El Faro"

Today’s featured shot from the Puerto Rico Sun photo group is by Mr. Frankie.


Organizer says the Filiberto Ojeda Rios Film Festival 2008 is an initiative of the ProLibertad Freedom Campaign to showcase films that speak to our experience as a colonized people fighting for independence and self-determination.

The film festival is named after assassinated Machetero leader Filiberto Ojeda Rios.

Here’s the lineup:
7 p.m., Friday November 7 @ Hunter College, Thomas Hunter Hall, first floor, Room 105, Manhattan
¡Palante Siempre Palante!
From Chicago streets to the barrios of New York City and other urban centers, the Young Lords emerged to demand decent living conditions and raised a militant voice for the empowerment of Puerto Ricans and other Latino/as in the United States and for the independence of Puerto Rico. Through on-camera interviews with former members, archival footage, photographs and music, the documentary surveys Puerto Rican history, the Young Lords’ political vision and actions, and the organization’s legacy.

7 p.m., Friday November 14 @ John Jay College of Criminal Justice, 889 10th Ave. Room 3305N, Manhattan
The Double Life of Ernesto Gomez Gomez
What happens to the parents, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters of those willing to sacrifice everything for their beliefs? This film uniquely blends forms to tell the singular story of a son of Puerto Rican revolutionaries — his mother in prison, his father in exile — sent as a baby to Mexico to be raised in safety and anonymity. As a teenager Ernesto/Guillermo learns of his past and collaborates with filmmakers Catherine Ryan and Gary Weimberg to magically chronicle his turbulent journey of self-discovery, offering a striking account of the costs of fiercely held convictions and the binding force of a son’s love.

7:30 p.m., Friday November 21 @ The Brecht Forum, 451 West Street, Manhattan
La Operacion/The Operation
This documentary brings to the foreground the problem of widespread sterilization among Puerto Rican women through the use of personal testimony, newsreels, and government propaganda excerpts. The procedure is so common that more than one-third of all Puerto Rican women of childbearing age have been sterilized. Begun in the 1930’s as a means of curbing the surplus population, it continues to be reinforced politically and socially in the Puerto Rican communities.

Suggested donation for each showing is $5.

For more information, visit


Organizer says the Filiberto Ojeda Rios Film Festival 2008 is an initiative of the ProLibertad Freedom Campaign to showcase films that speak to our experience as a colonized people fighting for independence and self-determination.

The film festival is named after assassinated Machetero leader Filiberto Ojeda Rios.

Here’s the lineup:
7 p.m., Friday November 7 @ Hunter College, Thomas Hunter Hall, first floor, Room 105, Manhattan
¡Palante Siempre Palante!
From Chicago streets to the barrios of New York City and other urban centers, the Young Lords emerged to demand decent living conditions and raised a militant voice for the empowerment of Puerto Ricans and other Latino/as in the United States and for the independence of Puerto Rico. Through on-camera interviews with former members, archival footage, photographs and music, the documentary surveys Puerto Rican history, the Young Lords’ political vision and actions, and the organization’s legacy.

7 p.m., Friday November 14 @ John Jay College of Criminal Justice, 889 10th Ave. Room 3305N, Manhattan
The Double Life of Ernesto Gomez Gomez
What happens to the parents, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters of those willing to sacrifice everything for their beliefs? This film uniquely blends forms to tell the singular story of a son of Puerto Rican revolutionaries — his mother in prison, his father in exile — sent as a baby to Mexico to be raised in safety and anonymity. As a teenager Ernesto/Guillermo learns of his past and collaborates with filmmakers Catherine Ryan and Gary Weimberg to magically chronicle his turbulent journey of self-discovery, offering a striking account of the costs of fiercely held convictions and the binding force of a son’s love.

7:30 p.m., Friday November 21 @ The Brecht Forum, 451 West Street, Manhattan
La Operacion/The Operation
This documentary brings to the foreground the problem of widespread sterilization among Puerto Rican women through the use of personal testimony, newsreels, and government propaganda excerpts. The procedure is so common that more than one-third of all Puerto Rican women of childbearing age have been sterilized. Begun in the 1930’s as a means of curbing the surplus population, it continues to be reinforced politically and socially in the Puerto Rican communities.

Suggested donation for each showing is $5.

For more information, visit